Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Emails link Chris Christie aide to lane closures

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie appeared in Union City, New Jersey, on 7 January 2014  
 Governor Chris Christie is a Republican, but campaigned on his bipartisan support in the state in the last election

Republican rising star Chris Christie, New Jersey's Governor, has vowed to act over claims his aide engineered traffic mayhem for a petty political vendetta.
Emails and texts appear to link a Christie aide to the closure of lanes to the George Washington Bridge, one of the world's busiest, in September.
The gridlock was allegedly orchestrated to punish a Democratic mayor who did not endorse the governor's re-election.
In a statement, Mr Christie called the lane closure incident "unacceptable".
The documents made public on Wednesday do not suggest that Mr Christie himself had anything to do with the lane closures, but they may contradict his assertions that none of his staff was involved.
'Completely inappropriate' The scandal is brewing as the tough-talking governor, often touted as a 2016 White House candidate, is due to tour the nation in his other role as chairman of the Republican Governors Association.

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