Friday, 24 January 2014

Nail art goes high tech: Funky 3D designs are hot new beauty trend

Bored of painting your nails and looking for a solution that's both chip-free and funky?Then look no further than this 3D nail art created by New York digital artists Sarah C. Awad and Dhemerae Ford.
The pair operate under the name The Laser Girls and show off their fun and unusual nail art on their Tumblr page.
Work of art: The 3D nails have been designed by digital artists Sarah C. Awad and Dhemerae Ford
Work of art: The 3D nails have been designed by digital artists Sarah C. Awad and Dhemerae Ford

From the computer your your fingertips: They bring their designs to life with a 3D printer using materials including plastic and brass
From the computer your your fingertips: They bring their designs to life with a 3D printer using materials including plastic and brass

The stick-on designs can be purchased from
They should stay on for around three days
Get the look: The stick-on designs can be purchased from and should stay on for around three days

They design the innovative press on nails on the computer and then bring them to life with a 3D printer from materials including plastic and brass.

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